France app downloads 2017-2027, by category

Mobile app downloads in France from 2017 to 2027, by app store

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estimates as of August 2023

Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

The App market constitutes the sale of software applications that can be downloaded, installed, and run on mobile devices. More specifically, it refers to apps that can be downloaded from Apple, Inc.'s App Store and the Google Play store (or in the case of China, from stores such as Huawei AppGallery and Tencent Appstore) and which can be installed and run on iPhones and Android phones. We track 20 non-game categories and 15 game categories that are found in both Apple Inc.'s App Store and the Google Play store. We also consider three different sources of revenue:

  • Revenue from in-app purchases (IAP) that comes from the purchase of features, upgrades, and subscriptions within an app
  • Paid app revenue from the one-time purchase of an app
  • Advertising revenue obtained from showing ads within an app
Our statistics include the revenue earned by developers and also the revenue earned by stores through commissions.

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